Show Me the Data! (Spell Out Your Accomplishments Worksheet)

The job market today is competitive. When we communicate what we’ve done, it’s important to present more than a mere job description on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and during interviews. Employers are looking for results-driven professionals who have a track record of excelling in their roles. Define your accomplishments so you can stand out from the rest as a top performer!

Show Your Scope

In your job description on your resume, be sure to show the scope of your role and the company. Help your potential new employer visualize the size and responsibility level of your roles. You might want to include:


Show Me the Data! Quantify Your Results

One of the most important aspects of your accomplishments will be specifically defining key accomplishments that you achieved throughout your career. Be specific and measurable while describing instances when you:


Show Off Those Accolades: If You Don’t Say It, then You Didn’t Do It!

A great way to demonstrate that you’re a valuable asset is to share your accolades. Does it feel self-absorbed or self-serving? It shouldn’t be. If saying this gets you hired and feeds your family, then you’ll need to get over your fear and say it! From the vantage point of a recruiter or hiring manager, IF YOU DON’T SAY IT, YOU DIDN’T DO IT! Include:


Write Out Your Accomplishments

Now try and write out 10 of your favorite accomplishments. Ensure your accomplishments are specific and measurable. Focus on the challenge you faced, the actions you took and the results of your actions.

  1. ______________________________
  2. ______________________________
  3. ______________________________ and so on…

If you’d like me to work on your resume or need help with your career transition or leadership development, go to and let’s get started!

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